Vol 17, No 6 (2015)


Complex diagnosis of postmenopausal osteoporosis from a position of obstetrician-gynecologist

Zakharov I.S., Ushakova G.A., Kolpinskiy G.I.


Postmenopausal osteoporosis is a systemic metabolic bone disease. A key role in the early diagnosis of osteoporotic changes and timely prevention must play obstetrician-gynecologist outpatient care. At the same time, its actions should not be limited only to the assessment of fracture risk and focusing on the implementation of bone densitometry. Commitment to a comprehensive system diagnostics, affecting various aspects of bone metabolism disorders, will facilitate timely and reasonable prevention and correction of postmenopausal osteoporotic changes.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):8-10
pages 8-10 views

Possible use of melatonin for improving the quality of life of patients with premenstrual and menopausal syndrome

Levakov S.A., Borovkova E.I.


The purpose of research is to improve the quality of life of patients with premenstrual and menopausal syndrome.Materials and methods. A randomized prospective study involving 60 women with premenstrual and menopausal syndrome. Within three months the patients received treatment with melatonin in a daily dose of 3 mg. The dynamics of the psycho-emotional state, quality of life and the severity of the neuro-vegetative symptoms rated on a scale of self B.H.Spielberger-Yu.L.Hanin, A.M.Wayne, a modified menopausal index by Cooperman and subjective evaluation of the severity of premenstrual syndrome.Results. Against the backdrop of a 3-month course of the application of melatonin showed a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients, a significant reduction in the severity of anxiety and neuro-vegetative symptoms.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):11-15
pages 11-15 views

Hormone therapy days in Kaliningrad

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25 апреля в Калининграде состоялась научная конференция «Дни заместительной гормональной контрацепции в России-2015», организованная Международным обществом по менопаузе и Российской ассоциацией по менопаузе при поддержке компании «Эбботт». В работе конференции приняли участие ведущие российские и зарубежные эксперты в области менопаузальной гормонотерапии, которые обсудили наиболее часто встречающиеся и актуальные постменопаузальные проблемы, оценили результаты многочисленных анализов и реанализов нашумевшего американского исследования WHI, а также прокомментировали основные положения Международного консенсуса по менопаузальной гормональной терапии.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):16-27
pages 16-27 views

Outpatient hysteroscopy. Practical recommendations

Korennaya V.V.


The main method of diagnosis of endometrial pathology is outpatient ultrasonography (US) of the pelvic organs. Despite the high accuracy and specificity, false-positive or false-negative results, according to different authors, can occur in 20-30% of cases. To clarify the status of the cervix and uterus, as well as simultaneously provide treatment (the principle of «seeandtreat» (Eng.)) office hysteroscopy can be used. Our experience in teaching theoretical and practical skills of office hysteroscopy in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (rmapo@mail.ru) showed that learning this technique takes a short period of time and allows its rapid integration into the daily practice of ambulatory physician.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Preventing zinc deficiency in pregnant women

Shikh E.V., Makhova A.A., Grebenshchikova L.Y.


Vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC) in the II and III trimester of pregnancy and during the whole period of pregnancy provides in a blood plasma the physiological levels of micronutrients studied (B1, B12, B9, zinc). Receiving only VMC in the III trimester is sufficient to provide a blood plasma with physiological levels of vitamins C, B2, B6, A, E, and insufficient to provide a physiological level B1, B12, B9, zinc.One of the most difficult in terms of trace elements level correction is zinc. Receiving zinc composition Multi-tabs Perinatal at a dose corresponding to daily food requirement (15 mg), results in a significant increase in plasma concentrations 2-3 h after intake. To ensure the necessary physiological level, starting no later than in the II trimester a VMC containing zinc at a dose not exceeding the daily nutritional requirement.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Placental insufficiency: features etiology and pathogenesis, therapy and prevention

Unanyan A.L., Arakelov S.E., Polonskaya L.S., Guriyev T.D., Ilicheva T.S., Baburin D.V., Kossovich Y.M.


The article discusses the features of the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment options and prevention of placental insufficiency (PI) - one of the most common and the most important problems of modern obstetrics, characterized by changes in the structure and function of the placenta, and as a result - a violation of the growth and development of the fetus. Due to the fact that one of the leading pathogenetic mechanisms of PI are considered violations of uteroplacental and fetoplacental blood flow associated with endothelial dysfunction, deterioration of the rheological properties of blood, red blood cells and platelets hyperaggregation, microcirculatory disorders, violation of vascular tone, sound is the use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents .
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Mother and fetus pyeloectasia during pregnancy

Kaptilnyy V.A., Uspenskaya Y.B.


The review presents the current state of dilatation of the renal ureteropelvic complex of mothers and fetus. Morphological and anatomical changes that occur with urinary tract of pregnant women are described here. Much attention is given to the degrees of renal collecting system dilatation of mothers and fetus, general tendency is demonstrated for increasing the diameter of the renal pelvis with mothers who have uncomplicated pregnancies, various indices of resistance in renal arteries in case of obstruction and nonobstruction pyeloctasia are demonstrated here. The significance of fetus renal scan during pregnancy was shown here, they also show pyeloectasia association with aneuploidy, in particular, with trisomy in 21 pair of chromosomes and renal disease confirmed in the postnatal period. The review reflects correlation of fetal pyeloectasia and expansion of pyelocaliceal of mothers, the importance of ultrasound screening is demonstrated here.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):41-44
pages 41-44 views

Cholelithiasis ascomorbidity polycystic ovary syndrome disease

Uspenskaya Y.B., Kuznetsova I.V.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex interdisciplinary problem in connection with the involvement in the pathogenesis not only of reproductive system, but also multifaceted metabolic disorders, many of which are pathognomonic for cholelithiasis. Presented in the article the literature and their own clinical observation suggest predisposing role in the development of PCOS cholelithiasis. Hormonal contraceptives greatly increase the risk of gallstone disease, and may be the trigger of stone formation. The individualized approach to the appointment of COC patients with PCOS with the additional risk of cholelithiasis, and dynamic monitoring would prevent the onset and progression of cholelithiasis.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Obesity in gynecologist's practice: clinical case

Vydrych A.N.


Obesity leads to a violation of women's reproductive health, accompanied by menstrual irregularities, infertility, hyperandrogenic conditions, and poses the female at high risk for endometrial cancer, as well as the ovarian and breast, complicated pregnancy and childbirth. At the base of disorders of the pituitary - gonadal axis in women with changes in obesity are the central regulatory mechanisms function if ovary, adrenal cortex and changes in the metabolism of sex steroids peripheral tissues. Weight loss helps to normalize cycle, in many patients, even without any further therapy, and to restore fertility.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):49-55
pages 49-55 views

Clinico-pathophysiological and pharmacological aspects of chronic pelvic pain in gynecological practice

Osipova N.A., Zazerskaya I.E.


The pathophysiological mechanisms and principles of treatment of chronic pelvic pain in gynecological practice, including nimesulide therapy, are considered and discussed in the article.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):56-60
pages 56-60 views

Is a rational immunotherapy of patients with sexually transmitted infections possible?

Khryanin A.A.


The paper analyzes using of immunotherapy in sexually transmitted infections from the viewpoint of evidence-based medicine. Currently, human papilloma virus infection is the etiological agent of cervical cancer, which is the main leading cause of cancer death in women of reproductive age. Clinical studies suggest Isoprinosine (inosine pranobex) to be the most safe and effective drug in the complex treatment of these diseases. Standard treatment ensures elimination of human papilloma virus in nearly 98% of cases, significantly reducing the incidence of relapses, which is important in the prevention of cervix diseases and progression into cancer.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):61-66
pages 61-66 views

Minor malformations in children. Diagnosis and possibilities of prevention

Meleshkina A.V., Chebysheva S.N., Burdaev N.I.


The article deals with the prevention of the formation of congenital malformations, particularly their clinical diagnosis and prevention capabilities.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Some contemporary issues inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

Sinchikhin S.P., Mamiev O.B., Stepanyan L.V., Elderova K.S., Magakyan O.G.


Presents data on the the prevalence and etiology of inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs of women. The shown are basic pathogenic mechanisms of development adhesive process in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. There was a pathogenetic expediency and clinical efficacy of the treatment Longidaza patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):73-76
pages 73-76 views

Chronic endometritis. Approaches to diagnosis and treatment

Kalinina N.M.


Chronical endometritis (CE) is responsible for women infertility. Investigation of histological data of endometrial target biopsy permit to diagnose the CE and elicit activity of inflammation immunohistochemical study of biopsy permit to define more exactly nature of CE, specify local immunological disturbances, distinguish the patients with autoimmune inflammation and local autoimmune answer. Subsets definition of natural killer (NK) cells, B1-, B2-cells, memory B-cells in the peripheral blood, NK, TNK, T-cells cytotoxicity study permit realize monitoring of immune therapy without repeated biopsy realization.Presented data confirm efficiency of Polyoxidonium (azoximer bromide) in therapy of CE and fertility reconstruction.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):77-80
pages 77-80 views

Vulvovaginal infections: problems of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment

Kuznetsova I.V., Uspenskaya Y.B., Kaptilny V.A.


Vulvovaginal infections (VVI) remain one of the most urgent problems of modern gynecology. The high prevalence of infectious lesions of the vagina, frequent relapses, the impact of the VVI on the function of the reproductive system, increasing the risk of gynecological disease and obstetric complications - all of this encourages the search for effective methods of correction and prevention of violations of cervicovaginal microecosystem. The most common causes of abnormal discharge from the genital tract in the world are considered to be bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis. The review deals with the diagnosis and treatment of common VVI.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):81-87
pages 81-87 views

Something that is very important

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В числе важнейших условий, определяющих здоровье будущей матери, течение беременности, внутриутробное развитие плода и здоровье новорожденного, - правильное и сбалансированное питание женщины в период беременности. Недостаток основных пищевых веществ и энергии проявляется низкой массой детей при рождении, а дефицит некоторых микронутриентов способен привести к возникновению аномалий развития плода. Именно поэтому о том, как нужно питаться и как важно делать это правильно, врачи акушеры-гинекологи должны обязательно рассказывать своим пациенткам, детально консультируя их.
Consilium Medicum. 2015;17(6):89-90
pages 89-90 views

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