
Safety of dapagliflozin initiation in acute decompensated heart failure patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
Poskakalova A.E., Nasonova S.N., Zhirov I.V., Tereshchenko S.N.
Diagnosis and treatment of prediabetes as prevention of type 2 diabetes: A review
Petunina N.A., Martirosian N.S., Khachaturov M.V., Zhutaeva M.A., Shaposhnikova A.A., Karpenko E.V., Abdulganieva Z.A.
Difference of genetic polymorphisms in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with absence or presence of chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Sveklina T.S., Shustov S.B., Kolyubaeva S.N., Kuchmin A.N., Kozlov V.A., Halimov Y.S., Konyaev V.V.
Cardiovascular outcomes of dapagliflozin in type 2 diabetes mellitus in real clinical practice: a meta-analysis of observational studies
Antsiferov M.B., Demidov N.A.
Retrospective analysis of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and acute myocardial infarction
Bardymova T.P., Tsyretorova S.S., Donirova O.S.
Highly selective sodium glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitor empagliflozin neuroprotective potential in chronic brain dyscirculation
Fuks О.S., Simanenkova A.V., Timkina N.V., Tikhomirova P.A., Gagiev A.Z., Karonova T.L.
Association of anthropometric parameters with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in overweight or obese individuals: cohort prospective study
Valeeva F.V., Khasanova K.B., Yilmaz T.S., Mansurova R.G.
The role of the rs1801282 PPARG polymorphic marker in the prediction and choice of carbohydrate metabolism disorders management: A review
Khasanova K.B., Medvedeva M.S., Valeeva E.V., Rodygina Z.A., Kiseleva T.A., Valeeva F.V.
Different approaches to change gut microbiota and its influence on metabolic disorders
Shestakova E.A., Pokrovskaya E.V., Samsonova M.D.
Nephroprotective properties of glucose-lowering drugs
Pokrovskaya E.V., Trubitsyna N.P., Zaytseva N.V.
Self-monitoring blood glucose levels and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus: medical and psychological aspects
Runova G.E.
Diabetic nephropathy: what should cardiologist remember
Trubitsyna N.P., Zaitseva N.V., Severine A.S.
Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome in adults: molecular genetic and clinical characteristics (lecture)
Troshina E.A., Larina A.A., Terekhova M.A.
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors use in clinical practice
Morgunova T.B., Fadeyev V.V.
Stepanova A.P., Karonova T.L.
Dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Statin therapy characteristics and comparative analysis: endocrinologist’s point of view
Demidova T.Y., Susareva O.V.
Motivation for improving glycemia self-monitoring efficiency in patients with diabetes mellitus: problems and solutions
Marchenkova L.A., Makarova E.V.
Metformin: bezopasno li primenenie pri khronicheskoy bolezni pochek?
Villeval'de S.V.
Bariatricheskiy patsient: osnovnye aspekty podgotovki k khirurgicheskomu lecheniyu ozhireniya i vedeniya posle nego. Lektsiya dlya prakticheskikh vrachey
Ershova E.V., Komshilova K.A., Mazurina N.V., Troshina E.A.
Pathogenetic background of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors application in the management of diabetes mellitus type 2
Demidova T.Y., Kulenok S.G., Gasanzade P.A.
Opyt dlitel'nogo primeneniya pervogo analoga chelovecheskogo GPP-1 liraglutida (Viktoza®) u bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom tipa 2 v real'noy klinicheskoy praktike na Dal'nem Vostoke
Morozova A.M., Borushnova O.V., Makhno E.A., Tsygankova O.G., Bocherikova E.V., Zelenya E.V.
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of the development of myocardial remodeling in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Koroleva E.V., Khokhlov A.L., Sirotkina A.M.
Eating disorders in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Lecture for physicians
Zelenkova-Zakharchuk T.A.
Control of glycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and ischemic stroke
Strongin L.G., Grigorian I.G.
Risk factors for fractures in patients with cerebrovascular disease
Shishkova V.N., Kosmatova O.V., Skripnikova I.A., Drapkina O.M.
Modern aspects of diabetes mellitus type 2 treatment in cardiology practice (in the context of EASD/ADA consensus and Russian guidelines)
Evdokimova A.G., Golikova A.A., Striuk R.I., Lobanova E.G.
Troshina E.A., Komshilova K.A., Ershova E.V., Nikankina L.V., Malysheva N.M.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Rodionova S.V., Zvenigorodskaya L.A., Biryukova E.V.
Biguanidy: antigiperglikemicheskoe i vazoprotektivnoe deystviya
Balabolkin M.I., Kreminskaya V.M., Klebanova E.M.
Mini-gastric bypass: is it a new operation of choice in metabolic surgery in diabetes mellitus type 2?
Sklyanik I.A., Karmadonov A.V., Shestakova M.V.
Cardiology 2020. The patient with chronic heart failure: a new trajectory of life
Glycemic control as a part of coronary stenosis prevention strategy in type 2 diabetes patients before and after transcutaneous coronary intervention
Salukhov V.V., Kadin S.V., Agliullin A.F.
Metformin: veni, vidi, vici
Aleksandrov A.A., Chukaeva I.I., Kukharenko S.S., Yadrikhinskaya M.N.
Diabeticheskaya stopa: vybor lecheniya u lits pozhilogo i starcheskogo vozrasta
Dibirov M.D.
Terapevticheskie zadachi i vozmozhnosti ikh realizatsii pri sakharnom diabete tipa 2
Ametov A.S.
Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. An updated approach to lifestyle modification and treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
Volkova E.A., Malygina O.F.
Endocrinological aspects of bariatric surgery
Troshina E.A., Ershova E.V., Mazurina N.V.
Innovative antidiabetic drugs as the present and future of diabetes
Problema kognitivnogo defitsita u patsientov s metabolicheskim sindromom
Shishkova V.N., Osychenko M.E.
Blokada renin-angiotenzinovoy sistemy v profilaktike sakharnogo diabeta tipa 2
Shestakova M.V.
Arterial'naya gipertenziya i ozhirenie: printsipy ratsional'noy terapii
Belousov Y.B., Gurevich K.G.
Pioglitazone is a forgotten hypoglycemic drug with proven cardioprotective and nephroprotective properties
Pesheva E.D., Fadeev V.V.
Pathogenetic substantiation inclusion of taurine in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
Statsenko M.E., Turkina S.V., Tyshchenko I.A., Gorbacheva E.E.
Liver damage in patients with ischemic chronic heart and type 2 diabetes - a treacherous tandem: possible additional organoprotective therapy
Statsenko M.E., Turkina S.V., Shilina N.N.
Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Morgunova T.B., Fadeev V.V.
Rol' kombinirovannoy terapii v lechenii sakharnogo diabeta tipa 2
Smirnova O.M.
1 - 47 of 47 Items

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