
Diagnosis and treatment of prediabetes as prevention of type 2 diabetes: A review
Petunina N.A., Martirosian N.S., Khachaturov M.V., Zhutaeva M.A., Shaposhnikova A.A., Karpenko E.V., Abdulganieva Z.A.
Peculiarities of antibiotic therapy after pancreaticoduodenectomy
Gasieva O.Y., Khatkov I.E., Vertkin A.L.
Pathogenetic mechanisms of ischemic stroke: from verification to secondary prevention
Kulesh A.A., Demin D.A., Vinogradov O.I.
Net clinical benefit of anticoagulant therapy from a neurologist's perspective: A review
Kulesh A.A.
Therapy of acute respiratory viral infections in adults in outpatient clinical practice: new opportunities for the prevention of bacterial complications (Results of the observational program RAPORT)
Yakovlev S.V., Dvoretskiy L.I., Petrov V.A.
Modern antiplatelet therapy in patients at high cardiovascular risk
Napalkov D.A.
Acetylsalicylic acid in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular complications
Kirichenko A.A., Ebzeeva E.I.
Svistunov A.A., Osadchuk M.A., Mironova E.D.
NSAID-associated lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and their complications: ways of preventing
Pakhomova I.G.
Moderate cognitive disorders: the role of Pronoran in their correction
Pilipovich A.A.
Actual aspects of prevention and treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis in children
Zakirova A.M., Faizullina R.A., Malanicheva T.G., Ziatdinova N.V., Rashitov L.F., Moroz T.B., Suleimanova Z.Y.
Hemorrhagic transformation of cerebral infarction in the post-stroke period (clinical observation)
Gudkova V.V., Gubskiy L.V., Gubskiy I.L., Panov G.V., Volkova N.N., Nikogosova A.K., Logunova T.A., Gutsaliuk A.G., Poderina V.P., Kimelfeld E.I., Usanova E.V.
Place of dipyridamole in the prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke
Kadykov A.S., Shahparonova N.V.
Khronicheskaya bolezn' pochek‌‌ kak obshchemeditsinskaya problema: sovremennye printsipy nefroprofilaktiki i nefroprotektivnoy terapii
Shvetsov M.Y.
Profilaktika povtornogo ishemicheskogo insul'ta
Kadykov A.S., Shakhparonova N.V.
Iodine deficiency thyroid disease in the Russian Federation: the current state of the problem. Аnalytical review of publications and data of official state statistics (Rosstat)
Melnichenko G.A., Troshina E.A., Platonova N.M., Panfilova E.A., Rybakova A.A., Abdulkhabirova F.M., Bostanova F.A.
Larina V.N., Bondarenkova A.A., Larin V.G., Vartanian E.A.
Prevention of venous thromboembolism in practice of coloproctologist: historical aspects and modern reality
Kudykin M.N.
Features of pharmacological action and the use of dipyridamole for secondary prevention of ischemic stroke
Tairova R.T.
Cognitive impairments in some deficit and dismetabolic states
Pizova N.V.
Acetylsalicylic acid medications in patients with asymptomatic atherosclerosis: risk or benefit?
Minushkina L.O.
Prospects for personalized utilization of non-vitamin K anticoagulants based on the assessment of pharmacokinetics in patients with atrial fibrillation
Kryukov A.V., Sychev D.A., Saveleva M.I., Ryabova A.V., Ilina E.S., Yurovsky A.Y.
Padeniya - vazhnyy faktor riska perelomov: prichiny i sposoby profilaktiki
Skripnikova I.A.
Profilaktika postmenopauzal'nogo osteoporoza: rol' preparatov kal'tsiya i vitamina D
Toroptsova N.V.
Realization of the right of patients to be visited by third parties. Rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties
Pishchita A.N.
Polypill in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: evidence base, limitations and prospects (based on the report of the European Society for Hypertension)
Morozova T.E., Yudina I.Y., Karnoukh K.I., Shatskiy D.A.
Bacterial (septic) arthritis and prosthetic joint infection
Belov B.S., Makarov S.A., Bialik E.I.
Iodine deficiency during pregnancy
Abdulkhabirova F.M.
Acetylsalicylic acid in hypertensive patients at high risk
Vorobyeva N.M.
Otsenka sostoyaniya respiratornogo zdorov'ya vrachey
Ignatova G.L., Zakharova I.A., Rodionova O.V.
Dalteparin: klinicheskaya effektivnost' v profilaktike i lechenii tromboembolicheskoy bolezni
Kirichenko A.A.
Assessment of iodine profhylaxis effectiveness in adult population of Saint Petersburg
Soboleva D.E., Dora S.V., Karonova T.L., Volkova A.R., Ostroukhova E.N., Bystrova A.A., Shlyakhto E.V.
Prevention of stroke, cognitive impairment and dementia in patients with hypertension during the provision of primary health care
Trukhan D.I., Davydov E.L.
Efficacy and safety of alphacalcidol for treatment of deficient states and functional impairments in postmenopausal women (literature review)
Pestrikova T.Y., Yachinskaya T.V.
The main approaches to primary prevention of stroke
Martsevich S.Y., Kutishenko N.P., Suvorov A.Y.
Antibacterial therapy and prevention of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Zaytsev A.A., Sinopalnikov A.I.
Ostroumova O.D., Guseva T.F., Bondarets O.V.
Profilaktika povtornogo ishemicheskogo insul'ta
Parfenov V.A.
Aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium in prevention, therapy and rehabilitation of patients with respiratory diseases
Trukhan D.I., Bagisheva N.V., Mordyk A.V., Nebesnaya E.Y.
Functional disturbances overlap-syndrome: risk factors and therapy rationale
Vialov S.S.
The problem of the safety application of acetylsalicylic acid in practice of cardiologist and therapeutic
Minushkina L.O.
Features of the pharmacological actions and the use of dipyridamole in the prevention and treatment of viral infections
Kareva E.N.
The Contemporary History of the drug therapy in patients with arterial hypertension: is antihypertensive therapy only one way of treating?
Giliarevskii S.R., Golshmid M.V., Kuzmina I.M., Zakharova G.Y., Sinitsina I.I.
Rol' protsessa obucheniya bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom tipa 2 printsipam samokontrolya i profilaktiki patologii nizhnikh konechnostey
Zhukova L.A., Gulamov A.A., Kuznetsov E.V.
Profilaktika pervichnykh i povtornykh ishemicheskikh insul'tov: rol' antiagregantnoy terapii
Kadykov A.S., Shakhparonova N.V.
Terapiya simvastatinom narusheniy lipidnogo obmena – vazhnyy faktor vtorichnoy profilaktiki ateroskleroza
Lupanov V.P.
Problema osteoporoza v sovremennoy meditsine
Benevolenskaya L.I.
Prevention of cardioembolic stroke
Kamchatnov P.R., Osmaeva Z.K., Chugunov A.V.
Modern aspects of ischemic stroke prevention in internal medicine specialists practice
Shishkova V.N.
Prevention of wound infections and skin damage
Levchuk I.P., Kostyuchenko M.V., Nazarov A.P.
Results of testing of an automated system for clinical examination and preventive medical examinations
Egorov V.A., Drozdova L.Y., Kalinina A.M.
Topical issues of epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia in the Russian Federation in 2015
Popova A.Y., Ezhlova E.B., Demina Y.V., Omariev Z.M.
Dual antiplatelet therapy as a long-term action in secondary prevention after myocardial infarction: focus on ticagrelor
Averkov O.V.
Profilaktika mozgovogo insul'ta u patsientov s arterial'noy gipertenziey
Martsevich S.Y., Kutishenko N.P.
Vtorichnaya profilaktika ishemicheskogo insul'ta – primenenie antiagregantov
Kamchatnov P.R., Chugunov A.V., Umarova K.Y., Asanov A.Y.
Vtorichnaya profilaktika ishemicheskogo insul'ta
Stakhovskaya L.V., Skvortsova V.I., Chazova I.E.
Modern methods for the prevention of thromboembolic complications in the postoperative period
Kostiuchenko M.V.
Statins in certain patient populations: scientific evidence and algorithms for practicing physicians
Susekov A.V.
Antiplatelet drugs in cerebral ischemia prevention: dipiridamol
Kadykov A.S., Shahparonova N.V.
Mechanisms of chronic pain development. Approaches to prevention and treatment
Kukushkin M.L.
Review of European guidelines on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in clinical practice
Nebieridze D.V., Boytsov S.A.
A look at the effectiveness of the release of active antivirals in treatment of influenza and ARVI in the light of evidence-based medicine
Afanasyeva O.I., Esaulenko E.V.
Iodine deficiency: current status
Platonova N.M., Troshina E.A.
Violations of respiratory function in the combined chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coronary heart disease
Ignatova G.L., Antonov V.N., Rodionova O.V.
Vtorichnaya profilaktika insul'ta
Skvortsova V.I., Stakhovskaya L.V., Pryanikova N.A., Meshkova K.S.
Menopausal hormone therapy in the prevention of lipid metabolism disorders
Podzolkova N.M., Podzolkov V.I., Tarzimanova A.I.
Tension type headache diagnosis and treatment in general practitioner outpatient practice
Osipova V.V.
Clinico-pharmacological substantiation of antiplatelet response variability with use of different dosage forms of acetylsalicylic acid
Zyryanov S.K., Butranova O.I.
The prevalence of tobacco smoking as the most important socially significant modifiable risk factor among patients with stroke
Koziaikin V.V., Kotov S.V., Isakova E.V.
Fibrocystic disease of the breast. The modern approach to prevention and treatment
Magometkhanova D.M., Zaydieva Z.S., Bogdanova G.S.
Management of patients with infectious endocarditis at the present stage
Belov B.S., Tarasova G.M.
Control of glycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and ischemic stroke
Strongin L.G., Grigorian I.G.
Profilaktika insul'ta: interv'yu s ekspertom
Tabeeva G.R.
Vtorichnaya medikamentoznaya profilaktika ishemicheskogo insul'ta
Tanashyan M.M., Domashenko M.A.
1 - 76 of 76 Items

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