
Predictors of class IC antiarrhythmic drugs efficacy in patients with paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation
Khalikova M.A., Tsaregorodtsev D.A., Beraya M.M., Sedov A.V.
Non-pharmacological methods of treating chronic non-specific neck pain, possibilities of radiofrequency denervation: A review
Gaydash M.I., Akif H.N., Zonov M.G.
Therapy of tonsillopharyngitis: advantages of an integrated approach. A review
Ryazantsev S.V., Maltseva G.S., Vysockaya S.S.
Effectiveness of Rebamipide as a part of the Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in Russia: a meta-analysis of controlled trials
Andreev D.N., Maev I.V., Bordin D.S., Lyamina S.V., Dicheva D.T., Fomenko A.K., Bagdasarian A.S.
Bridging therapy according to new clinical guidelines: A review
Pavlenko T.A., Lebedeva A.Y., Protsenko D.N.
Combination therapy of newly diagnosed intermediate-risk pulmonary arterial hypertension: A review
Lyapina I.N., Zvereva T.N., Martynyuk T.V.
Updated the Maastricht VI/Florence Consensus recommendations for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection: A review
Pimanov S.I., Makarenko E.V.
Analysis of in-hospital mortality among ischemic stroke patients in Veresaev City Clinical Hospital
Murtazalieva D.M., Zakariaeva A.R., Soshina T.D., Shyrokii R.V., Shogenov Z.S.
Prognostic and predictive analysis of effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmaceutical treatment approaches for chronic insomnia
Pchelina P.V., Poluektov M.G.
The state of systolic and diastolic myocardial functions in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea and their dynamics during CPAP therapy
Kuchmin A.N., Ekimov V.V., Kazachenko A.A., Nagornyy M.B., Galova E.P., Evsyukov K.B., Pukhova U.D.
Prevention of postoperative pyelonephritis in patients after percutaneous nephrolithotripsy for large and coral kidney stones
Neymark A.I., Gryadunov D.V., Suzopov E.V.
Cardiovascular therapy in patients hospitalized for elective large joint arthroplasty: real-world practice review
Okisheva E.A., Mironova O.I., Madoyan M.D., Fidanyan S.E., Semenova A.I., Panferov A.S., Strokov A.V., Tarabarko I.N., Garkavi A.V., Lychagin A.V., Fomin V.V.
Evaluation of laboratory effectiveness of clopidogrel after elective endovascular procedures in patients with the history of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
Kuchkina N.V., Tsereteli N.V., Chernysheva I.E., Vorobyeva E.I., Zubkova I.V., Semitko S.P., Iosseliani D.G., Fomin V.V.
The role of stress and sleep disorders in the development of cardiovascular complications in patients with arterial hypertension: what is important for an internist to know? A review
Ionin V.A.
Experience in using Aterixen® in clinical practice. Results of the "SUPRA" observation program
Kulagina I.T., Bagaeva M.I.
Glucocorticosteroids for community-acquired pneumonia (execution cannot be pardoned): A review
Zaytsev A.A.
Intravenous thrombolytic therapy for cerebral infarction due to the Persheron artery occlusion. Case report
Chugunova S.A., Popov M.M., Makievskaya A.E., Yakovleva N.V., Tarabukina V.V.
The role of timely rheumatoid arthritis treatment effectiveness control
Musaeva L.M., Prokofeva Y.A., Menshikova I.V., Rasulova A.E.
Professor Grigory Antonovich Zakhar'in. Unknown clinical lecture notes
Fomin V.V., Panferov A.S.
Rational mucolytic therapy with ambroxol: controversial and indisputable. A review
Babak S.L., Gorbunova M.V., Malyavin A.G.
Optimization of blood pressure control in patients with resistant arterial hypertension and visceral obesity
Deneka I.E., Rodionov A.V., Fomin V.V.
Treatment of chronic migraine and neck pain with cognitive-behavioral therapy. Case report
Golovacheva V.A., Golovacheva A.A.
Perforative duodenal ulcer in a patient in the acute period of ischemic stroke. Case report
Abramov D.V., Zubarev A.P., Afanasiev V.M., Smolkina A.V., Karimova E.A.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a clinical case of long-term follow-up
Ignatova G.L., Blinova E.V., Belsner M.S., Korotkaia M.A.
Darier's follicular dyskeratosis
Adaskevich U.P.
Cerebral venous thrombosis in otorhinolaryngology. Case report
Krivopalov A.A., Shcherbuk A.Y., Shcherbuk Y.A., Sarkisyan I.I., Shamkina P.A., Glyshchenko A.I.
Personalized approach in the treatment of thyroid cancer: A review
Radzhabova Z.A.
Registry analysis of patients with severe allergic asthma and clinically relevant sensitization to fungal allergens treated with genetically engineered biologics
Fomina D.S., Mukhina O.A., Lebedkina M.S., Bobrikova E.N., Sinyavkin D.O., Chernov A.A., Mikhailova V.I.
Comparative evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy and the safety of the Tetraderm® cream in comparison with the Triderm® cream in patients with allergic dermatoses, complicated by secondary infection
Kasatkin E.V., Givirovskiy S.E., Pisarev V.V., Merkulov M.E., Storozheva K.V., Fedotova O.V., Doshchuk N.A.
New possibilities of therapy of T2-associated diseases
Hutueva S.H., Shogenova M.S., Alieva I.Z., Shogenova L.S.
Myocarditis: diagnosis and treatment in a period of pandemic
Blagova O.V., Kogan E.A.
The experience of comprehensive rehabilitation of a patient after a stroke with moya-moya disease. Case report
Slyunkova E.V., Kondur A.A.
Personality and psychopathological profile of patients and botulinum therapy for blepharospasm
Tolmacheva V.A., Iuzbashian P.G., Samsonova M.D., Romanov D.V.
Aesthetic medicine without hematomas: myth or reality
Mashkina A.S.
Prospects for the use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in reproductive medicine. Analysis of literary data
Zabrodina Y.V., Akhmedyanova G.U., Khamidullina Z.G.
Optimization of approaches to the management of adult patients with severe atopic dermatitis: analysis of real clinical practice outcomes
Fomina D.S., Serdotetskova S.A., Chernov A.A., Lebedkina M.S., Nurtazina A.I., Gadzhieva M.K., Mukhina O.A., Bobrikova E.N.
Correction of nocturia in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Mini-review and analysis of clinical observations
Tyuzikov I.A.
Possibilities of adjuvant use of a combination of butyric acid and inulin in antibacterial therapy of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
Borzykh E.V., Sviridova T.N., Lomanova G.A., Alexeev N.I., Olkhovik I.I.
Atherosclerosis and inflammation: Current therapeutic strategies. A review
Zubareva M.Y., Sergienko I.V.
Gastroprotective therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving anticoagulant therapy: A review
Ostroumova O.D., Kochetkov A.I., Batyukina S.V., Cheremushkin S.V.
Pyoderma gangrenosum: current state of the problem
Adaskevich U.P.
Gastrointestinal complications in patients receiving antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy
Livzan M.A., Shirinskaya N.V.
Topical therapy in the treatment of patients with acute rhinosinusitis in adults
Starostina S.V., Sivokhin D.A.
The effectiveness of therapy based on sperm-protective Selzink plus in patients with tuberculosis of the prostate
Kulchavenya E.V., Osadchiy A.V.
Properties and safety of combined dietary supplement Uronext in complex treatment of acute (recrudescence of chronic) cystitis in women with bacterial vaginosis
Tevlin K.P., Khanaliev B.V., Tevlin D.K.
Possibilities of therapy for patients with sensorineural hearing loss at the present stage
Svistushkin V.M., Ordyan A.B., Nikiforova G.N., Morozova S.V., Gergiev V.F.
Occupational therapy for rehabilitation of neurological patients
Maltseva M.N., Shmonin A.A., Melnikova E.V., Ivanova G.E.
Problems of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nose from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine
Berdnikova N.G., Ekaterinchev V.A., Pushkina S.L.
Optimizing therapy of Helicobacter pylori infection in the light of the recommendations of the Maastricht
Baeva T.A., Partsvania-Vinogradova E.V., Kuznetsova E.I., Golovkina N.L., Gulenchenko Y.S.
Rational approaches to antithrombotic therapy in patients with acute coronary syndromes and non-valvular atrial fibrillation (adapted from the European Congress of Cardiology 2014)
Barbarash O.L., Kashtalap V.V.
Surgical treatment of maxillary sinusitis in a patient with nasopharyngeal cancer after a gamma-ray and photodynamic therapy
Karpischenko S.A., Ulupov M.Y., Baranskaya S.V.
Stenosing atherosclerosis of cerebral arteries: modern strategies for diagnosis and treatment of patients
Shirokov E.A.
Current trends in the treatment of acute sensorineural deafness
Atanesian A.G.
Effect of adjuvant therapy with butyric acid on the safety profile of oral antibiotic therapy: a meta-analysis of controlled studies
Andreev D.N., Kucheryavyy Y.A., Kaziulin A.N., Maev I.V.
Meldonium as a supernosological drug
Nedogoda S.V.
Chronic ischemic heart disease: treatment news
Karpov Y.A.
Local use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with dorsopathy
Kamchatnov P.R., Chugunov A.V., Shurygin S.N.
Community-acquired pneumonia. Clinical recommendations. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. To the article (round-table discussion: physician, pulmonologist, clinical pharmacologist)
Dvoretsky L.I., Iakovlev S.V., Karnaushkina M.A.
Some aspects of sexual dysfunctions mental pathology
Kibrik N.D., Yagubov M.I., Kan I.Y.
Goals and possibilities of combined hypolipidemic therapy of cerebrovascular diseases associated with dyslipidemia
Sabirov I.S., Murkamilov I.T., Fomin V.V., Yusupov F.A.
Management of patients with chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus from the standpoint of modern recommendations and in real clinical practice
Reznik E.V., Lazarev V.A., Kalova M.R., Nikitin I.G.
Strategy “one tablet” - basis of effectiveness control arterial hypertension: clinical case
Ivanova S.V., Melekhina I.V., Trush E.Y., Yushchuk E.N., Vasyuk Y.A., Lobanova E.G.
The place of antagonists of mineralocorticoid receptors in the treatment of chronic heart failure
Orlova N.V., Spiryakina Y.G.
Fibronectin concentration in the prediction of survival and symptomatic transformation in patients with ischemic stroke treated by thrombolysis
Lyang O.V., Kochetov A.G., Arkhipkin A.A., Novozhenova Y.V., Shachnev E.N., Shamalov N.A., Stakhovskaya L.V.
The syndrome of a rigid person with myoclonus and disautonomy: a description of the case
Serdyuk A.V., Kovrazhkina E.A.
The efficacy of Phenazepam in the treatment of insomnia in outpatient practice
Kovrov G.V., Posokhov S.I., Shavlovskaia O.A.
Nosocomial pneumonia associated with artificial ventilation of the lungs: antibacterial therapy with short courses
Beloborodov V.B., Sinikin V.A.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Avdeev S.N.
Bacterial (septic) arthritis and prosthetic joint infection
Belov B.S., Makarov S.A., Bialik E.I.
The efficacy of antiarrhythmic therapy in the early postoperative period of catheter isolation of the mouths of the pulmonary veins for the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Tarasov A.V., Davtyan K.V., Miller O.N., Shatakhtsyan V.S.
Efficiency of coronary heart disease standard therapy in combination with nikorandil in patients with angina. Study of the correlation of endothelial dysfunction with data of laboratory and instrumental investigations
Solodova Y.A., Adamchik A.S.
A look at the effectiveness of the release of active antivirals in treatment of influenza and ARVI in the light of evidence-based medicine
Afanasyeva O.I., Esaulenko E.V.
Several cases of ticagrelor application on conducting fibrinolytic therapy of ST elevation myocardial infarction
Pochinka I.G., Botova S.N., Strongin L.G., Suvorov A.V., D'iachkova K.I., Pimankina M.S.
Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the choice of empirical antibiotic therapy
Baturova V.Y., Maliavin A.G.
Nasal irrigation therapy: use in pediatric ENT practice
Morozova S.V.
The speech therapy for dysarthria in patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (clinical case)
Poznyreva E.B., Yusov I.E.
Menopausal hormone therapy in the prevention of lipid metabolism disorders
Podzolkova N.M., Podzolkov V.I., Tarzimanova A.I.
Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium: modern tactics of patient management
Gabidullina R.I., Smirnova G.A., Nuhbala F.R., Valeeva E.V., Orlova Y.I., Shakirov A.A.
Pharmacodynamic effects of nicotine mouth spray and cytisine tablet. A study in adult healthy smokers
McCaffrey V., Hansson A., Perfekt R.
Use of combination pills with acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel in coronary artery disease. Efficacy and assessment of adherence to treatment: Kobra Study
Lomakin N.V., Buryachkovskaya L.I., Senichkina A.A., Sumarokov A.B., Docenko U.V., Kazey V.I.
Management of treatment on the basis of adherence
Nikolaev N.A., Martynov A.I., Skirdenko I.P., Anisimov V.N., Vasil'eva I.A., Vinogradov O.I., Lazebnik L.B., Poddubnaya I.V., Roitman E.V., Ershov A.V., Ageev F.T., Andreev K.A., Babicheva L.G., Bunova S.S., Viktorova I.A., Volchegorskii I.A., Vorob'ev P.A., Galiavich A.S., Gaus O.V., Gomberg V.G., Gorbenko A.V., Drapkina O.M., Zadionchenko V.S., Zyrianov S.K., Karpov R.S., Kobalava Z.D., Kolbasnikov S.V., Kondrat'eva K.O., Konradi A.O., Livzan M.A., Maliavin A.G., Mareev V.I., Medvedeva I.V., Mikhailova N.B., Moiseev S.V., Morozova O.L., Napalkov D.A., Nedoshivin A.O., Nelidova A.V., Nechaeva G.I., Nikiforov V.S., Pisklakov A.V., Popov S.V., Ptushkin V.V., Rebrov A.P., Saifutdinov R.I., Semiglazova T.Y., Sovalkin V.I., Sovetkina N.V., Terent'ev V.P., Totchiev G.F., Tumian G.S., Tiurin V.P., Fedorin M.M., Fofanova T.V., Shepel R.N., Iagoda A.V., Iakushin S.S.
Savenkov M.P., Ivanov S.N., Mikhailusova M.P., Palkin M.N., Okuneva I.N., Ivanova S.V.
Triple drug combinations in cardiology
Arutiunov A.G., Dragunov D.O., Sokolova A.V.
News on menopausal hormone therapy
Demidova T.Y., Zenina S.G., Gasanzade P.A.
Prostate cancer: when need testosterone therapy?
Sukhikh S.O., Vasilyev A.O., Govorov A.V., Pushkar D.Y.
Community-acquired infections of the lower respiratory tract: approaches to rational antibiotic therapy
Sinopalnikov A.I.
Modern possibilities of treatment of arterial hypertension in elderly patients
Chukaeva I.I., Spiryakina Y.G., Litvinova S.N., Shterengas A.V., Denisova N.N.
Community-acquired pneumonia: "bene dignoscitur, bene curator"
Zaitsev A.A.
Diagnosis and treatment of primary adrenal insufficiency in adult: a Russian Association of Endocrinology Clinical Practice Guideline (project)
Melnichenko G.A., Troshina E.A., Yukina M.Y., Platonova N.M., Beltsevicha D.G.
How to help patients diagnosed with "vegetovascular dystonia"?
Golovacheva V.A., Parfenov V.A.
Canis-therapy second stage of rehabilitation of patients after an ischemic stroke
Maltseva M.N., Melnikova E.V., Shmonin A.A.
Optimization of medical treatment for patients with acute bacterial rhinosinusitis
Edzhe M.A., Ovchinnikov A.I., Khon E.M.
Combined therapy of neurasthenia in general medical practice
Dobrushina O.R., Medvedev V.E.
Features of influenza in children possibility of modern management and prevention
Lobzin Y.V., Babachenko I.V., Vasiliev V.V., Uskov A.N.
Actual aspects of rational pharmacotherapy in cardiology.Pros and cons fixed and arbitrary combinations of antihypertensive drugs
Trukhan D.I., Pozdnyakov Y.M.
Stroke patients with diabetes as a multidisciplinary problem
Gudkova V.V., Stakhovskaya L.V., Meshkova K.S., Shanina T.V.
Adhesive otitis as a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and the middle ear
Levina E.A.
Allergic rhinitis from the perspective of an allergist
Sidorovich O.I., Luss L.V.
Therapeutic benefit of PRP-therapy in treatment of atrophic vaginitis and vulva lichen sclerosus
Ivanova E.V., Sozaeva L.G.
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